Global Travel Procedures & Related Expenses Policy

Employees are expected to exercise good judgment and observe normal safety precautions while traveling on Company business in a cost efficient manner. As stated above, the destination and business purpose of each trip and/or mode of travel must be included on the expense report.

Selection of airlines, rental car, ground transportation (except rail travel which does not cross international borders- refer below Rail Travel Section 3.7.12), and related travel services must be made through the NBCUniversal Travel Management Services web site: [then click local country flag at the top right of the screen in the portal]

In all cases, travel arrangements are to be made at a reasonable cost consistent with achieving the goals of the business trip.

In those locations where Concur is the required travel booking system, all NBCUniversal employees who travel should have a Traveler Profile on file with Concur. The Concur system can be reached from the NBCUniversal Travel Management Services web site: [then click local country flag at the top right of the screen in the portal] or directly to

The travel profile contains all the relevant information and personal preferences needed to process a reservation in an accurate and expeditious manner.

Employees are covered by Comcast’s business travel insurance at no cost while traveling on Company business. Additional travel insurance is regarded as a personal expenditure for which reimbursement will not be made. If you’d like to find out more about coverage in your territory, please contact your local HR administrator.

The destination and purpose of each taxicab or car service must be indicated on the expense report. Use of preferred vendors is required when booking through Concur. You may use an external provider in the event they are less expensive than a preferred vendor. To reserve a car you may call the vendor directly or book through the travel site.

The lowest cost method of transportation should be selected (taxi vs car service).

Reasonable, cost-efficient modes of transportation to and from airports should be sought and receipts should be obtained.

Air travel should be purchased at the lowest possible price consistent with good business practice and without any significant inconvenience to the traveler. All air travel must be booked through the NBCUniversal Travel Management Services web site where BCD Travel is the required travel agent. This is important as it helps NBCU to manage traveler security more efficiently. The travel web site has been configured to offer travelers the lowest possible rates. Whenever possible, employees must fly on preferred (contracted) airlines where NBCUniversal has a negotiated discount.

Employees are expected to take the lowest logical non-stop offered, unless there is a valid business reason to take an alternate flight. Employees are also expected to plan business travel as far in advance as possible to secure reduced fares and preferred seating arrangements.

Travelers may choose to select flights with stops or connections which may result in a more substantial discount providing all other low airfare policy objectives are met. Alternative airports and low cost airlines will occasionally be suggested when they fall within the parameters of the NBCUniversal lowest possible airfare policy.

All short-haul travel (less than 6 hours) is required to be booked in economy class unless an advance exception has been agreed via an approval by your line manager for that specific trip. There is a defined population of employees who are able to travel in another class of service based on their employment contract with NBCU. These individuals will be communicated to separately and are required to comply with the guidelines for flight class designation. Nothing contained herein shall preclude an employee from utilizing an upgrade certificate personally obtained by the employee.

Any employee taking a flight over six hours’ duration (direct & non-stop) is permitted to fly business class to allow for sufficient rest on a long-haul business trip. In addition, employee flights from London-New York should be booked as follows:

  • During day time, employees are expected to travel in Premium Economy class;
  • Overnight flights may be booked in Business Class to allow for rest/sleep.

Charges for accessing Wi-Fi during flights are a reimbursable business expense.

Ticketing arrangements should be made as early as possible to take advantage of all available discounts or promotional programs, including those requiring cancellation fees. The NBCUniversal Travel Management Services web site will choose the most cost-effective routing based on the lowest airfare available that satisfies the business objectives of the NBCUniversal traveler.

Generally, non-refundable tickets will be issued.

Only in circumstances when reservations cannot be made or managed on-line (e.g. production related travel) should employees call the NBCUniversal Travel Centre.

Country specific phone numbers are available on the NBCUniversal Travel portal at: [then click local country flag at the top right of the screen in the portal]

For unexpected or emergency changes in travel plans while on the road, please contact BCD Travel’s 24-hour emergency service line at +1 (877) 727-2334 (from the US) or +1 (770) 486-2783 (from outside the US).

Please note that this number is only to be used for travel emergencies, as the Company incurs additional costs when it is used.

In order to preserve the continuity of the NBCUniversal management team, the Company limits the number of Company management personnel flying corporate, charter or commercial aircraft together. When using aircraft for travel, it is the responsibility of the most senior management member on the flight to determine in his/her good faith judgment, if the combination of the Company officials on the same aircraft poses a substantial risk to the continued operations of the Company in the event of an accident.

Traveling together does not alter any employee’s flight class designation for that trip (i.e. – employees may fly in separate cabin classes).

NBCUniversal employees are not permitted to volunteer their reservation, or make themselves eligible for any compensation relating to an airline over sale situation if such action results in additional expense to the Company or loss of any work time.

Employees are permitted to keep any frequent flyer points earned as a result of traveling on NBCUniversal business. However, any unauthorized travel, airline favoritism, circuitous routings, or other activities specifically designed to accumulate Frequent Flyer points is strictly prohibited.

Electronic Ticketing is the required method of airline ticket distribution as it eliminates the cost of delivery, surcharges, and the possibility of lost tickets.

When tickets are unused or partially used, travelers must notify the responsible travel agent as soon as possible. Unused tickets may not be eligible for reuse if not reported prior to original departure date.

Unused ticket credits which can be used for future travel are being tracked by BCD Travel and Concur. You will be prompted to use the unused ticket credit when booking your next trip.

Many airlines recently changed their checked baggage policies and now charge for either the first or second bag checked. Baggage fees are generally reimbursable. However NBCUniversal employees are expected to minimize the occurrence of these fees and check the fewest number of bags possible. Additional checked baggage as required for business needs is also allowed, but employees should follow their business policy and applicable laws for shipping equipment, tools and/or merchandise.

Lost luggage must be reported directly to the airline at the arrival airport location by completing the airline’s required paperwork.

Citibank Corporate Card provides benefits for permanently lost, damaged or stolen baggage or personal articles while checked with or carried on a common carrier, when the entire common carrier fare is charged to your Citibank corporate card. The cardholder must also inform Citibank within 45 days of the date of the loss, theft, or damage. Employees may file a claim if calling stateside by calling toll free stateside +1 (800) 586 8548. If calling from outside the U.S., call collect by dialing +1 (804) 673 1673.

Employees are not permitted to pilot private planes/rental aircraft or arrange chartered flights when traveling on Company business due to potential liability and insurance issues.

If chartered flights are required, please contact John Harris, EHS Production Manager, Transportation: +1-818.777.2945 or

NBCUniversal will reimburse employees only for mileage that qualifies as business mileage under local tax laws. Mileage incurred on Company business for employees will be reimbursed at the prevailing local tax rates which is programmed into Concur. This reimbursement is intended to cover gasoline, operating expenses, repairs/maintenance, depreciation and insurance. Commuting mileage between an employee’s home and regular business location is not reimbursable and cannot be expensed through the T&E reporting system. Mileage to airport/train station is allowed only to the extent that it is greater than the employee’s normal commute.

All car rentals must be booked through Concur or directly with Hertz using the NBCUniversal Corporate Code 50013 and charged to the Citibank Corporate Card when the Card has been issued. Following this procedure ensures that car rental is covered by NBCUniversal’s insurance program.

Employees must use the Company’s Preferred (contracted) car rental vendor. The current, primary car rental vendor is Hertz. In situations where Hertz is not available, NBCUniversal has negotiated rates with Enterprise, (code XZ17C8R). In this instance, the insurance must be purchased

When one or two employees are traveling, a midsize or intermediate (“C-intermediate”) size rental auto should be used. When three or more employees are traveling together, they should request a standard, full size, or the minimum size automobile necessary to conduct Company business.

Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) and personal accident insurance should be declined on all Hertz rentals. Employees using a rental car for business purposes are covered by the Company’s insurance program. Employees are permitted to request the NBCUniversal rate for personal use, pay with their own personal credit card and purchase the insurance.

Travelers should not purchase the fuel service option offered by Hertz. Employees are required to return the car with a full tank of gas whenever possible unless circumstances prevent the car from being returned with a full tank of gas. Fuel charges are reimbursable to the employee.

As a reminder, either a paper copy of the Hertz charge record or an eReceipt record of rental is the required receipt for car rentals, indicating VAT and addressed to NBCUniversal International.

Employees operating a vehicle (rental, personal or Company-owned) on Company business must have a valid, current driver’s license. Employees who use their automobile for business purposes shall maintain a minimum of insurance coverage equal to that required under local law.

Parking fees and tolls incurred while traveling on Company business are reimbursable expenses. Receipts should be obtained where required. Parking and tolls will not be reimbursed for travel to and from work at the normal work location

Fines for parking or moving traffic violations are not reimbursable (except as approved at the Company’s discretion or).

Expenses incurred (mileage, fuel, parking, and tolls) commuting to and from work at an employee’s regular work location on regular work days are not considered “travel” and are not reimbursable.

Travel by rail on Company business shall be at economy rates. Amtrak or Acela Express business class travel is authorized when necessary to meet timely arrival at a destination. Eurostar Standard Premier Class is permitted. First or Business Class travel is prohibited on Eurostar. Receipts are required for train travel and the destination and purpose of each trip must be indicated on the expense report.

Family Member Expenses
There may be instances in which the presence of an employee's spouse or domestic partner serves a bona fide business purpose. Establishing a business purpose for spousal/domestic partner attendance generally requires more than simply asserting that spouses are required to attend or that their presence will facilitate social interaction among employees. In particular, a spousal business purpose is most effectively established if there are scheduled business-related activities specifically for spouses. Documentation should be retained to show details of planned spousal activities. When a spouse/domestic partner is involved in activities involving customers, his or her specific assignment should be documented in writing to avoid taxable personal income. Reasonable expenses for spouses in such cases may be reimbursed with proper advanced written approval from the employee’s finance department head.

Combining Company and Personal Travel
Employees may extend a Company business trip to include personal travel. In such instances, both the employee and approving manager must exercise care to avoid the appearance of unnecessary or poorly timed business travel to finance a primarily personal trip.

Weekend stays are considered business travel if business is conducted over the weekend. Employees must use personal credit cards to pay for any expenses related to the personal portion of the trip.

Charges for business-related telecommunication services and reasonable charges for personal calls while out of the office are reimbursable. Telecommunications services include telephone calls, cell phone, and fax/modem charges. Calls from an airplane are prohibited. Phone calls made directly from a hotel phone are prohibited due to the high access charges. Travelers may call +1 (855) 876 6228 to be connected to the NBCUniversal switchboard to facilitate making office or other business calls or call their Local IT office. Cellular phones should be used whenever possible. When travelling overseas, employees must call their local IT office to ensure that an international rate plan is in effect for their mobile device. If telecom is not contacted those calls will not be reimbursed.